Friday, January 17, 2020

Email Marketing Series: 10 Tips To Boost An Email List Using Social Media In 2020

Social media is one of the best inbound marketing channel that can help you in getting in touch with the maximum number of users. But if you want your user to know about your products and stay connected with your business then you have to include them in your email list. Social media fans and followers numbers may impress you but are they benefiting your business? Do you have your social media follower’s email in your email list?

If you don’t, then instead of focusing on getting maximum followers on social media you should focus on including those followers email id to grow your email list. Because emails have a higher delivery rate and it can convert your prospects into paying customers. That’s why it is essential to discover ways to grow your email list with social media. And it is also important to know different types of emails that you can send to your subscribers.

Many businesses are using social media to build their email list and if you want your business to stand among them. Then use the tips that we have mentioned in this blog to grow an email list using social media. 

How to grow an email list with social media?

1. Use Twitter Chats to share details about your lead magnet

Most of us look at twitter and analyze that only tweeting, retweeting and twitter ads are beneficial features for businesses. But if you want to grow your email list through twitter then Twitter Chats are another important aspect of Twitter.

As it helps in bringing like-minded users together in one place to discuss particular topics by throwing different types of questions and problems faced by users.

For example, a twitter chat on What is the reason behind website rank drop can bring a lot of users to discuss the problem that the industry is facing and the solution for that problem.

You can host a twitter chat and get people involved in your topic and wait for the right time to introduce the solution for that problem in the form of lead magnet. This way you can get a lot of unique followers on twitter and their email id.

Before hosting a twitter chat you can join other chats of the same industry to see how twitter chats are hosted. It will help you in getting the real feel of questions asked by the users and how twitter chats work.

Once you are clear on how to host a twitter chat then you can identify a topic that can grab the user’s attention and prepare a free and relevant lead magnet that solves the problem.

Then you can Host the twitter chat and wait for the right time to pitch your lead magnet in chat using the hashtag. This way you can attract the user’s attention on your lead magnet and encourage them to download your lead magnet by providing their details. Read more on

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